Sunday, October 16, 2016

Why I love traveling

Travel is good for many things, but it can also increase mental well-being - and not just in the short-term. Whether you’re traveling for business, on a one-week family holiday, or have sold everything to pursue a life on the road, traveling can make you a happier person by building self-confidence, providing new experiences and memories, breaking routine and allowing you to meet people from all over the world.

pursue (verb)- to try to get or do something over a period of time.
self-confidence (noun)- confidence in oneself and in one's abilities
providing (Conjuction)- used to say that one thing must happen in order for another to happen.
routine ( noun)- a regular way of doing things in particular
increase (verb)- to become larger or greater in size, amount, number 
short term (noun)- a short period of time at the beginning of something
routine (noun)- a regular way of doing things in a particular order


  1. Can you possibly add more on the topic? I think ENL students would enjoy reading about your travel experiences and/or destinations. The overuse of the comma in the second sentence made it very choppy to read. Don't forget to add your grammar point and vocabulary exercise.

  2. I love traveling too. Where have you been? I have been to many countries in Europe and on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I also lived in and near London for 3 years.
    Don't forget to add the other components.

  3. I would love to hopefully do more traveling in the near future. On the few trips I have taken I have encountered interesting people and places which allowed me the opportunity to learn about their culture. I also like your vocabulary words which I believe are easy for an ESL student to learn.

  4. Great topic to blog about! One of my favorite things to do is travel. I have been to many places and go on an average of at least two trips per year. I find it gives my life much excitement and meaning. For the students sake you might want to add a personal experience that motivates them to write about their travels. You explain what traveling means well for those who have not experienced any traveling.
