Six ways dogs can help ease depression symptoms
There have been many conversations about how dogs can help with depression. Dog's can be very intuitive. Some ways that dogs can help with depression are simple yet effective. The first reason is that dogs offer unconditional love. Dogs do not have an opinion or criticize, they will love you no matter what. Dogs can alter our behavior. If a person is having a bad day and is greeted by an excited dog, it can change a persons mood and distract us of our worries. Dogs can promote touch. It is said that stroking a dog can reduce stress, blood pressure and heart rate. Dogs make us responsible. Taking care of dogs promotes structure and promotes mental health. Dogs can lower our blood pressure. Research shows that dog owners have lower blood pressure.
Conversation:a talk between two people or a group of people
Depression: a state of feeling sad
Intuitive: ability to know or understand things without evidence
Effective: successful in producing a desired result
Offer: to present something to someone
Unconditional: not limited in any way
Criticize: to express disapproval
Alter: to change
promote: to change to a higher position
Stroking: to rub gently in one direction
Reduce: to make something in smaller size
Stress: a state of mental worry
structure: the way something is built
research: a careful study to find something